Duane Beachey

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Duane Beachey is a retired Mennonite pastor, most recently retired from pastoring two Presbyterian churches in the Appalachian region of Kentucky. He is the author of two books: Faith in a Nuclear Age, Herald press, 1983 and Reading the Bible As If Jesus Mattered, Cascadia Publishing, 2014.

Jerry Folk

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Jerry Folk is a retired Lutheran clergyman. He has taught theology and peace studies courses in colleges and seminaries in several states and is the author of three books, including Doing Theology, Doing Justice (1991).

Maureen McDonnell, OP

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Maureen McDonnell is a Catholic Sister of the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa. Her ministries have included teaching at the elementary and secondary levels, and over 30 years of college campus ministry on four different campuses. Especially in the latter ministry, she has been involved in a variety of interfaith groups and actions related to seeking social justice. Since her retirement in 2009 from campus ministry at Edgewood College, she has engaged in individual spiritual direction, retreat ministry, and working for justice through a variety of organizations and activities.

Carl J. Rasmussen


Carl J. Rasmussen is a lawyer in private practice in Madison, Wisconsin. He is a member of First Congregational United Church of Christ in Madison. He has represented the United Church of Christ on the Unity and Relationships Commission of the Wisconsin Council of Churches. Carl is the author of Monstrous Fictions: Reflections on John Calvin in a Time of Culture War (Lexington Books, 2016).

Frederick Trost

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Frederick Trost retired, after 20 years, as Conference Minister (President) of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ in 2001. Prior to that, he was a parish pastor in Chicago for 19 years, where his congregation was active in the challenges presented by peace-making, social justice, study of the holy scriptures, and faith. He participated in tax resistance during the Vietnam War, and resistance to nuclear weapons, and was arrested in non-violent protests against U.S. foreign policy in South Africa and in the Contra war against Nicaragua. He continues to be a student of the relationship of our words and our deeds.

Pam Richard

Jeff Wild

James Carpenter

Tom Boswell

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Tom Boswell is a long-time community organizer who has worked with many faith-based and other organizations in Wisconsin and Iowa. He is also a freelance journalist, photographer, poet, and peace activist.

Jane Kavaloski

Jane Kavaloski has been involved in peace and justice issues for over 50 years. She was a co-director, with her deceased husband Vincent, of the Ecumenical Partnership for Peace and Justice for the Wisconsin Council of Churches. She studied and experienced nonviolent resistance in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Central America. In addition, she developed peace and justice educational programs for the Madison Metropolitan School District.

Jim Murphy

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Jim Murphy is a Catholic priest that has been inspired by the Catholic Worker movement for peace and justice. U.S. nuclear weapons that could annihilate life on earth is first on his list of passions. There is much to do considering the U.S. spends $600 billion on military but affordable health care for all isn’t feasible. Activism includes opposition to military drone training at Volk Field, Camp Douglas, WI, nuclear war coordination at Offutt AFB near Omaha, NE, and militarism at our southern border.

Paula Rogge

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Paula Rogge is a family physician, a member of Friends Meeting of Madison and a member of the Steering Committee of Physicians for Social Responsibility–WI. She has been a long-time war tax resister, redirecting war taxes to organizations that meet basic human needs and work for non-violent social change.

Caleigh Judd

Caleigh Judd is a labor advocate and journalist based out of Madison, Wisconsin. Besides her tech and music support roles for IPWG, Caleigh is the the Faith Outreach Organizer for local labor organization Worker Justice Wisconsin and Managing Editor of Madison-based publication Union Labor News. Caleigh is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago and hails from Whitewater, Wisconsin, where her activism has taken the form of assisting with the town’s first Pride, directing a food bank, and starting a publication focused on labor movements in the tri-county area.

Steve Watrous

Steve Watrous is president of the United Nations Association—Greater Milwaukee chapter, a member of the Friends Committee on National Legislation Milwaukee advocacy team, and a retired sociology professor.